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Employment Support

We know that navigating the world of work is challenging at the best of times. For someone with dyspraxia it can be very hard at times.

We’ve created our top tips for thriving in the workplace. Keep an eye out for our events and resources that will also help.

Understand Access to Work and how to access it

Access to Work can help you get or stay in work if you have a physical or mental health condition or disability. Dyspraxia is an eligible disability, because it is a developmental disorder.

The good news is you do not need a diagnosis to apply!

The support you get will depend on your needs. Through Access to Work, you can apply for:

  1. a grant to help pay for practical support with your work
  2. support with managing your mental health at work
  3. money to pay for communication support at job interviews. Find out more and apply for communication support at a job interview.

Practical support with your work (even if your workplace is your home) through a grant to help pay for things like:

  1. specialist equipment and assistive software
  2. support workers, a job coach or a travel buddy
  3. costs of travelling to work, if you cannot use public transport
  4. adaptations to your vehicle so you can get to work
  5. physical changes to your workplace

How to apply: Check you’re eligible and then apply for an Access to Work grant.

Mental health support to manage your mental health at work, which might include:* a tailored plan to help you get or stay in work* one-to-one sessions with a mental health professional

How to apply: Check you’re eligible and then apply directly to either Able Futures or Maximus.

Understand the legal obligations of your employer and your legal protections

The Equality Act 2010 defines disability as a physical or mental impairment that has a long-term and substantial negative effect on your ability to do normal daily activities.

Dyspraxia is a disability. It is lifelong and affects daily life. Your employer is legally obligated to make reasonable adjustments. These are to ensure you can do your job without difficulties.

This applies to all workers – trainees, apprentices, contract workers and business partners.

Reasonable adjustments could include:

  1. changing the recruitment process so a candidate can be considered for a job
  2. doing things another way. This could mean letting someone with social anxiety have their own desk instead of hot-desking.
  3. making physical changes to the workplace
  4. letting a disabled person work somewhere else
  5. changing their equipment. This could be providing a special keyboard or mouse if they have fine motor difficulties
  6. offering employees training opportunities, recreation and refreshment facilities

You have rights to protect you. They cover discrimination in most areas, like employment and education.

Learn more about The Equality Act 2010 and the United Nations Convention on disability rights

The Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Services (ACAS) website has many free resources and helpful information.

Occupational Health Assessments and how to get one

An Occupational Health Assessment (OHA) is an assessment of an employee to help understand their needs to:

  1. Feel better
  2. Return to work
  3. Do their job
  4. Avoid anything that could cause further health or absence issues

An OHA can help identify what changes can support you at work because of dyspraxia to meet your needs.

Your employer can request this service on your behalf and if you ask them to do so, they are legally obligated to.

Find out more about Occupational Health Assessments

Have a Wellness Action Plan

Wellness Action Plans (WAPs) are a tool to help us identify what keeps us well at work and what might make us unwell. They also help us address mental health at work. It is a personalised plan that is created especially for you and for your individual needs.

Properly supporting mental health means we can be more productive at work. We will perform better and be more satisfied.

WAPs can help with identifying reasonable adjustments that would be useful in your job.

Find out more about mental health in the workplace and Wellness Action Plans on Mind’s website

Understand the different challenges throughout the employment lifecycle

You might be starting your first job or finding a new job. Or, you might be in a job and moving up the career ladder. Or, you might be deciding to leave a job. Each stage of the employment lifecycle has its own challenges.

Starting your first job

Get support from your university, school or college – they can help you know where to start, how to write your first CV, and interview techniques. Think about what type of job would fit your unique skill set. Use career advice services to get information and guidance, such as https://nationalcareers.service.gov.uk/

Finding a new job

There are some great employment agencies around. They can find you an employer who will be a great fit for you. They work with organisations who are truly neuroinclusive. Take a look at:* Neuroinclusive Jobs* Exceptional Individuals* Enna* Diversita

Working your way up the career ladder

Going for the promotion or new job can be daunting. But, it shouldn’t put you off. Know your strengths and embrace them! Build on your work support network. Reach out to potential mentors. Professional groups can be a great help. Try to say your expectations, needs, and goals clearly. Ask for clarification if you’re unsure. And most importantly, be your biggest advocate!

Is it time to move on?

Knowing when it’s time to move on can be difficult. It can be challenging having conversations when things aren’t going too well. If work is becoming too much, talk to your manager before things get irreparable. They should do all they can to fix things for you. If it can't be fixed, then be honest about why you are leaving. The worst that can happen is it might help them help the next dyspraxic employee.

How to function effectively in different working environments, including remote working

If you work in an office, your organization must conduct a Display Screen Equipment (DSE) assessment. The check ensures that your working environment is good. This also applies if you work remotely.

Ask your employer for a workplace assessment if you’ve not yet had one. It can check if your desk and chair set up are right for you. It also checks if your computer and accessories suit your needs, and it checks if your working environment is healthy.

You can find a template DSE here: https://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/ck1.pdf

How to set healthy meeting etiquette boundaries

Schedule meetings for 45-50 minutes instead of an hour. This ensures you have time to decompress from the previous meeting and take a comfort break.

  1. If you’re making the meeting, set an agenda and send it out ahead of time. If you’re attending a meeting, request an agenda ahead of time
  2. Block out time in your schedule to do other tasks, focus, or take breaks. This way, you won't be stuck in meetings all day.
  3. For long meetings, be sure to break often. Use the time to stretch, walk, get a drink, or use the bathroom.
  4. Stick to your meeting finish times. Protect those time blockers between them. You can always schedule a follow-up meeting if you didn’t cover everything.

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